Car Accidents One of the Leading Causes of Teenager Deaths


We all know that car accidents can have a devastating impact on all involved, leading to serious and even fatal injuries. An unfortunate statistic has just revealed that youths aged 15 to 20 years old experience the highest rate of fatalities in car accidents, according to a study by the National Center for Health Statistics.

Sadly, teenagers are more likely to become injured or killed in a car accident. There are a multitude of reasons behind this logic. Teens are more likely to engage in reckless or rebellious behavior, such as drinking and driving, forgetting to wear a seat belt, or distracting another friend while they drive. While they may be sharp and have knowledge of driving laws and exercise good judgment, lack of experience on the road may play a role in an accident as well.

What Dangers Do Teen Drivers Face?

There is no mistaking that distracted driving is dangerous. It detracts from our ability to focus on the road and impairs our judgment. One example of distracted driving that occurs is texting and driving, which often occurs among teen drivers.

Here are some additional statistics about teen drivers and car accidents:

  • Seat belt usage is often cited as the source of more than 74, 000 teen deaths from car accidents
  • Many 15 to 16-year-olds get involved in accident within the first year of driving
  • Teen passengers who are killed are most often riding with a teenage driver as well
  • More than a third of car accidents where a teenager is killed is due to speed
  • More than a third of car accidents occur at intersections
  • Most car accidents involving teens occur at night

As you can see from these above examples, a car accident involving a teenager is preventable. Unfortunately, there may be times when parents, families, and even friends fail to provide the proper precautions.

If you, your loved one, or a child has been seriously injured in a car accident, talk to our Cincinnati car accident attorneys at The Moore Law Firm to discuss your right to receive compensation. We are not afraid to take on insurance adjusters and big businesses to pursue justice on your behalf.

Contact us today to request a free case review.

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If you have been injured or have lost a loved one as a result of another person's negligence, you deserve to be fully compensated for your losses. The simple fact is that you should not be forced to pay the price for another person's careless or reckless actions.