Remarkable Video Shows Runaway Truck Crashing Into Akron Gas Station


This astonishing video is courtesy of WGHP-TV in Cleveland and shows a potential disaster being averted by some quick, smart action and a little bit of luck. WGHP said the tractor trailer's brakes failed and the 35-year-old driver told police his load shifted as he was making that left turn. The moving cargo caused the truck to roll onto its side and slide toward the gas pumps at the Akron Marathon station.

Fortunately, day manager Mary Lewis and her night shift counterpart, Rahif Faris, both instinctively acted to hit the shut-off valve that prevents gas pumps from exploding. Both Lewis and Faris also told WGHP that they credited the driver's skill with preventing disaster.

This is certainly a stunning close-call, and we are grateful that nobody was injured in this incident. However, this incident also demonstrates what causes some truck accidents. Was the tractor trailer improperly loaded? Or, if the brakes failed, how well was the commercial truck maintained?

The company responsible for a tractor trailer can be liable for all damages if it does not properly maintain the vehicle that caused the accident. If you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a commercial truck accident, you can use the form located on this page to tell us a little bit about your case or contact our firm by phone to schedule a free consultation with our Cincinnati injury attorneys.

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If you have been injured or have lost a loved one as a result of another person's negligence, you deserve to be fully compensated for your losses. The simple fact is that you should not be forced to pay the price for another person's careless or reckless actions.