When Should You Contact a Serious Injury Lawyer?


Most professionals in the legal industry advise victims to contact an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible after an accident involving any level of personal harm, and when it comes to matters regarding serious injury law, professionals are even more adamant about seeking out reliable representation.

With that said, if you or someone you love has been seriously injured, don’t delay in finding a competent advocate to fight for you. 

Recognizing the Need for a Serious Injury Lawyer: Examples of Serious Injuries

A serious injury has the power to forever alter the course of your life in ways that range from the financial to the emotional and psychological, and if someone else is responsible for such drastic harm, they can, thankfully, be held accountable.

Be that as it may, it is not uncommon for those with serious injuries to forgo contacting an experienced lawyer and seek compensation on their own, a choice that, unfortunately, often results in much less money for the injured person at a time when they need as much as possible to support themselves and their loved ones.

Examples of Serious Injuries That Call for Legal Attention

Personal injury lawyers see all manner of serious injuries, but the following are among some of the most common — and most serious — of all:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Amputations
  • Dismemberments
  • Severe organ damage
  • Burns
  • Crushed or fractured bones

These and other serious injuries require prompt and adept medical treatment, as well as legal attention if caused by others; as such, victims are strongly encouraged to seek legal counsel soon after being injured.

Long-Term Implications of a Serious Injury

The long-term outcomes of serious injuries almost uniformly involve massive financial and mental setbacks, causing victims to face agonizing journeys that involve the following:

  • Painful treatment and rehabilitation
  • Compromised ability to engage in gainful employment
  • Loss of the ability to engage in and enjoy life
  • Depression and other mental conditions
  • Alienation

Altogether, victims with serious injuries often find themselves isolated from many (if not all) of the things that once gave them joy and resources, and although no compensation sum can erase the past, compensation can help make the future better.

The Importance of Timely Action

Swift medical attention is undoubtedly the most important course of action to take following a serious injury; afterward, injury victims are strongly advised to speak with a serious injury lawyer regarding compensation for their losses.

As the statute of limitations for personal injury claims only lasts two years, delaying legal action can lead to a loss of the right to compensation, as well as allowing evidence issues to arise. Evidence is best collected and safeguarded soon after an injury; the more time that goes by, the higher the risk of evidence loss or degradation.

Finding the Right Lawyer for Your Serious Injury Case

In serious injury cases, the amount of money necessary to address a victim’s injuries and losses is typically staggering, but no matter what, the goal of any personal injury claim is maximum compensation.

Therefore, when searching for an attorney, it is important to limit your efforts to personal injury attorneys with a successful track record of substantial wins for their clients, as well as those who truly care about your future. At the Moore Law Firm, you are more than another case; we treat you how you need to be treated during such a difficult time.

Will My Serious Injury Case Go to Trial?

Although most personal injury cases are settled out of court, serious injury cases tend to go to trial more often; that said, the likelihood of a serious injury case going to trial is still low in the grand scheme of things, especially with the other potential alternatives to trial, such as arbitration and mediation.

How Much Money Can I Recover in a Serious Injury Case?

For serious injury claims and lawsuits, compensation values are typically high due to the extensive impact these injuries have on people’s lives. Various economic damages are payable to victims by the at-fault party, including medical treatment costs, lost income, and medical-related expenses.

At-fault parties must also pay certain non-economic damages as well, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of society, companionship, consortium, etc.
  • Any other verifiable intangible loss

Due to the nature of certain types of serious injuries, punitive damages are often in play in these cases as well; punitive damages are awarded in cases involving malice or aggravated or egregious fraud.

Damage Caps

In Ohio, there are two important caps that may limit the amount of damages you receive. One is the cap on non-economic damages; the law limits non-economic damages to three times the total of economic damages or $250,000, whichever is the greater of the two. The second cap is placed on the amount of punitive damages: twice the amount of compensatory damages.

What Should I Say to the Insurance Company Handling the Payout?

In serious injury claims, it is strongly recommended that you allow your lawyer to handle all communications with your insurance company.

Your statements can, in fact, be harmful to your claim, and insurance company adjusters are simply not concerned with your financial interests; instead, their concerns lie with the bottom lines of the insurance companies that employ them, meaning they will meticulously search for anything in your words that they can use to pay you less.

With your attorney managing all of your communications, you have an advocate protecting your interests.

Speak to a Serious Injury Lawyer About Compensation Today!

Regardless of how serious your injury is, you should strongly consider speaking with an attorney regarding compensation, especially if your injury is, indeed, serious. With that said, The Moore Law Firm is ready to meet and help you get justice; call our office today for a free consultation.

Get in Touch

If you have been injured or have lost a loved one as a result of another person's negligence, you deserve to be fully compensated for your losses. The simple fact is that you should not be forced to pay the price for another person's careless or reckless actions.