Workers Compensation is Not Only Recourse When Hurt on the Job


Moore Law host and TV journalist Deb Haas and attorney co-host Don Moore welcomed Cincinnati personal injury attorney Catharin R. Taylor of Clements, Mahin & Cohen, L.P.A., Co. to take viewer questions about being “Hurt on the Job.” During one segment, Don discussed a client he represented who suffered injuries to more than 70 percent of his body in an industrial fire, requiring 23 surgeries and resulting in more than $2 million in hospital bills. “If he just had workers’ compensation, that would be a travesty,” Don said.

Catherin said she had represented clients with similar situations, including workers hurt in car accidents while on the job and a satellite dish installer who was attacked by a dog. “Quite a few work injuries have created situations where there was a third party that we were able to collect compensation from,” Catherin said.

The new “Moore Law Connection” segment also debuted during the “Hurt on the Job” show as Don’s son, Cincinnati personal injury attorney, answered two questions submitted via email. Viewers can “like”Moore Law on Facebook, follow the show on Twitter or ask questions via the form on either this blog or the Moore Law section of the FOX 19 website to take advantage of “Stay Moore Connected.” Submitting a question electronically for the “Moore Law Connection” segment will not guarantee an answer on air.

On-air questions from Moore Law viewers included Paul in Fairfield wanting to know how maximum medical improvement (MMI) is determined, Neal in Kentucky describing a possible retaliation claim when he lost his job because of a twisted knee, Jon in Cincinnati asking if he had any options after a judge discontinued his appeal and Wanda in Cincinnati wondering how long it takes to resolve such cases.

The “Hurt on the Job” show is viewable in the videos above. Next Monday, Deb and Don will welcome Cincinnati family lawyer Barbara J. Howard from the firm of Barbara J. Howard Co., L.P.A. to answer viewer questions about “Divorce and Child Custody.” The next show airs live on Monday, July 23, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. on WXIX-TV, FOX19.

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If you have been injured or have lost a loved one as a result of another person's negligence, you deserve to be fully compensated for your losses. The simple fact is that you should not be forced to pay the price for another person's careless or reckless actions.